Shreejal Trivedi


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Person Retrieval and Re-Identification

Description: Person Re-ID becomes a challenging task when there are lot of disturbances in the image such as occlusion, person-box aspect ratios, crop scales, and training the re-id models with present approaches of supervised classification and triplet matching when the number of classes are very high. Training the models on the public datasets like Duke-MTMC and Market1501 does not perform well on the issues mentioned as they are prominent in the real-world scenarios. I, therefore to tackle these problems, designed a Re-ID model which can take into consideration the box scale and alignment of a person crop for the best retrieval accuracy. I tested it on many datasets and I am mentioning the results on Market1501 using the proposed algorithm. Also, there was a significant gain observed when it was tested on the private company’s datasets.

Model Data Rank@1 Rank@5 Rank@10 mAP
Baseline Market1501 94.63 98.25 99.05 85.24
Baeline + Alignment + MultiScale Market1501 96.59 98.84 99.44 91.24